Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thoughts on Houston Project

Had to take a day to recover from Houston Project, Houston Project is a outreach that Houston's First Baptist Church does during July, to communities around Houston. The church does vacation Bible study, women's Bible study, men's Bible study, a nursery, middle school and high school outreach along with feeding whoever shows up and feed those around the community we are in.
I worked in the food serving, preparing food up to be brought to classes and then putting the juice on the snowcones, we had a very good group working together, some very administrative types that organized us to a well-oiled machine.
Our group was assigned to food prep, but all of us volunteers got opportunities to wear lots of hats to lots of people. I for example was doorman, when I first got to the site, Kelly Village, there was myself and the two leaders, who needed to be able to set up for the night without children from neighborhood running around. During one of those times, I got opportunity to chat with a woman from community about what we are doing. She didn't understand why a church would be interested in reaching out to a community they weren't actually located in. I explained that God's love knows no bounds or locations. That we as a church were called to be the physical representation to people of His Love. She asked if it was too late to become involved and what she could do with her baby and other little one. I said we had a loving group that would enjoy taking care of her baby and we have vacation Bible study for her little boy. She asked if she needed to feed them before bringing them, but told her we have that covered also.
God has equipped us to be His hands and feet and go to reach a world who either has no clue about Who God is or an inaccurate view of Who He is. Our call is to help show the world through our loving actions a small picture of Who God is in our lives. It was enjoyable to have opportunity to share God with the community of Kelly Village.

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