Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What inspires me

Hmm where to begin, this will be pretty random. for that I apologize. What inspires me can be anything from a quote to a story of a person's courage to continue on despite the impossible odds. One story, may not be true, but the truth behind it is still there. It is called "40 Wrestlers" google it, read it. Set in times of Nero, it inspires you on. ,or just go here, will do hard work for you ;) . Continuing on.

John Wooden is a major inspiration, the man lives what he speaks, a rare quality, "Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are" Wow, think on that a moment. Wooden took his teams to championship after championship and then continued helping others by his mere presence by the court. "Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be"

Rick Warren, author of "The Purpose-Driven Life" is another inspiration, picking people up and helping them toward the image of the God he serves. He speaks at his church Saddleback, in very casual down to earth manner that people of all walks of life relate to. Follow him on twitter, he will challenge u to becoming more like Christ.

Louie Giglio is another person, that I have seen 2 times live, speaks primarily to college age students, in what is called "Passion conferences" the "268 Generation" listen to him online about subject called Laminin. Holy wow.

John Piper will inspire and challenge you, to be more than you are. speaker, author and life changer.

I'm inspired also by those people around me, those that live life, continue on, despite overwhelming odds. Those that face the decision of pay for rent or buy food for the family. Those that take 2nd and 3rd jobs to stay alive literally. Those people are around us, if we take time to look, look remember that it could be you, thank God that He hasn't called you to that challenge and continue to help where you can. Again the blog was kind of random, but hope you got general idea of somethings that inspire me, to be more than I already am.

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