Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why I follow people on twitter and friend people on facebook

Thought of this new blog while on the way to Popeye's today for their tuesday special, love that chicken from Popeyes,haha. This blog is on why I think that I and others have for following people on twitter and also friending people on facebook.

This is my two cents, not scientifically verifiable or anything, so don't be using this as actual fact or anything,haha. I think we as a people are social in everyway shape and form. So the minute that Myspace came along it gave us an opportunity to reach out across the world literally and sort of get to know people from places we had never been before or possibly even seen.

Then facebook came along and helped find friends, acquaintances from long ago, people we had forgotten about, or wondered "I wonder whatever happened to..." So the social connection moved a step further. Now it offers us an opportunity to connect, play games with and "be" with 24/7, 365days a yr. Now this ofcourse should not take the place of actual human contact and going out with "real" people that are in your lives daily, but does allow us to keep in contact with some people who we might not have any other way to talk to otherwise.

Twitter seems to take this a step further and also forces us to think before writing or...we may run out of the 140 characters and have to do a new update,haha to finish our thou..ght,see it will help us not just throw out whatever is on our minds. Plus we connect with celebrities we enjoy, sports figures and again people all over the world to see a peek at what they are all about. So social networking, socializing, whatever your politically correct venacular calls for is healthy and filled with endless possibilities. So enjoy, use the resources, but don't let the resources use you or take the place of going out and being with friends and family right there to be met with.

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