Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oil Spills, missteps by our gov't...

I have several thoughts and questions regarding the disaster that this BP oil spill has become. To deny it is a disaster is kind of like hiding your head in the sand and going into total denial. I'm firmly on the oil companies in regard to opening up ANWAR to be explored, but not exploited or destroyed as the LA coast is receiving. My question that has not been satisfactorily answered yet, nor do I actually expect it to be answered, is this: why do these oil companies and before you say you have no experience with this problem so stay out of it, my father is and has been in oil business forever, so I have some knowledge, thus I can speak. My question is how can all these big oil companies have the technology to drill sometimes absolutely amazingly in tight spots, places considered undrillable, yet not taken time to develop non-toxic dispersants beforehand?!? People have thrown out it is purely greed that drives them without thought to a possibility to a spill occurring. Yet, there are 14 different dispersants at the oil company's disposal. None will handle the current problem without doing untold damage to the enviroment. Now you will never find me coming down on the extreme and most of the defenders of the enviroment are too extreme, side of defending the enviroment. I will never join that side unless they put that much passion into defending innocent and helpless fetuses or as I see them, babies or even more to the point, human beings. There seems to be such a crazed passion to defend our enviroment for future generations yet at same time we, and I say we, because if we are not keeping abortions from occurring, then we are responsible for this atrocity occurring as much as those who actually perform the abortions, do the enviromentalist realize by not defending helpless fetuses, that those part of the "future generations" are not going to be around to enjoy the "saved" enviroment?!?

As to why I government is not working as awhole, that is a bit complicated yet is not when you think about it. With all due respect to our Pres. He spends more time trying not to offend anyone in the world and finding new people to bow down to, then he does standing up for our nation and working to make our nation better. Now before you say, well your obviously a Republican and am just bashing Democrats, I believe both parties are completely and totally screwed up and people tell me to vote Repub because they are the "lesser of two evils" yet do they not realize that voting for a lesser evil, is still a vote for evil?!? No I expect not. People on both sides have tried to convince me that their party is the correct one to support, yet the way I see it is that if the system has proven itself to be broken, then it might be time as a nation to remove all the elected officials and start over?!? I know it is not realistic, since we are all fallen humans and any chosen to replace the previous officials will be flawed, yet can we as a nation just allow the current system and people in charge to continue on without standing up for what we believe needs to be changed?

I suspect I have only raised more questions than provided any answers, yet hopefully we receive this as an challenge to make changes instead of sitting on the sideline and grumbling about problems we see, without doing anything about it...

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