Friday, July 9, 2010

Sorry, complete and total randomness...

Hey all,
sorry haven't put up any new blogs for about 2 weeks and I know, thanks to people on twitter, that violates every blog etiquette known to man, for that I apologize.

first off, my take on LeBron situation. May I first say he and Carmelo Anthony are my 2 favorite players. I think that this whole primetime announcement was an incorrect way to handle signing with a new team, be a pro, sign, play well, hopefully help new team to win a championship and handle yourself respectably. Now I know that LeBron has some sloppy unprofessional people representing him and they have his ear in giving advice. The primetime announcement just looked and reeked of unprofessional behavior from start to finish. Whoever recommended this to him only wanted to bring even more of a spotlight to a situation that was only going to hurt a whole community who have loyally backed him from day one and before. I still hold to the idea even with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh, he will not win a championship, there is no team chemistry there and they are not the most team oriented players despite what everyone thinks. People will say I'm a hater, I say a hater of what?!? My crew in Denver will be right back in the thick of things in the real deal Western conference.

Secondly, I was challenged in church this last sunday, by Tony Perkins, in his message to us, in that, the leaders we elect, are not responsible for change, we the everyday normal Americans are. Think on that, let it percolate for a moment. The leaders we elect, are just public faces, they really can accomplish no change on their own, they are not equipped to do that, yet we as Americans can challenge those around us to change to become men and women of Christ that we are called to be. Follow Houston's First Baptist Church at @houstonsfirst on twitter, and look at for their website.

Thirdly, we at Houston's First Baptist Church are beginning our annual missionary outreach to our city: Houston, in what is called the Houston Project, to learn more go to our website: and read about it.

Fourthly, everyone of us can make a positive impact in the people's lives around us everyday, by paying attention to them, giving our time and investing in them. I challenge each and everyone of us to be a light in someone's life, which has the natural result of getting the attention off of us and onto those around us. Thank you for reading this...

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