Monday, August 2, 2010

Attraction/lust vs love

I have been asked my opinion of love at first sight theory. I have come to the conclusion that it does not exist. Let me unpack why...

I believe that attraction/lust for a person can and does occur all the time, that is natural and the norm. We see a person and their body, personality or other physical aspect is attractive to us. But that is purely physical. True love takes time for the reason that love takes in both the good and less attractive qualities a person has and loves them anyway. Love sees the irritating and bothersome quality and realizes it is part of a person's character and accepts this quality along with the qualities that makes feel attraction to them. Love is neither a feeling or action first, in my opinion, it is rather the very character of God Himself. For it says, "God is Love." Thus our love for a person flows out of Who God is in our lives. This brings up another interesting question, that I am still considering, and that is: "Can you or I truly love if we are not followers of Christ?!?"

Love says, "You are not perfect nor am I, but just as you accept me as is, I also accept you." While attraction/lust says, " if you don't keep changing and fixing yourself to keep me interested in you I will find someone else who will."

So attraction/lust is fine for causing desire for someone, but seems to not be there for long run, thus if we build a relationship or worse yet a marriage on this, good luck to us, when tough times occur in our relationship. Shallowly built relationships seem to be doomed to failure and divorces occur, since we nothing to fall back on. That is what I have come up with so far on the topic of is there such a thing as love at first sight. Thanx...

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