Monday, October 18, 2010

Been reading some

Like the title says, been doing some reading. Mostly on Max Lucado's "Outlive your life: you were made to make a difference" and Ravi Zacharias' "Beyond opinion: live the faith you defend" both very good books. Max's book deals with the book of Acts in the Bible and how the apostles dealt with the issue of poverty. Not putting it back on government or some social agency to ineffectively deal with it, but trying to make a difference themselves. This book challenged me to realize who the people that are "lepers" or those I don't want to associate myself with and to be ready to reach out to them. That was convicting and somewhat upsetting to my worldview and caused me to look at myself and my opinions a bit more closely.

Ravi's book challenges me in a whole different way. This book deals with apologetics, which simply put is the defense of the Bible. The book looks at different challenges that arise from other worldviews: atheist, youth, eastern religion, islamic... different authors contribute from their areas of expertise and Ravi comes around at the end to show how this book can be used to answer the challenges that arise.

Recommend both books, if you are person looking to be challenged and changed by what you read and then go apply.

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