Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"after 4pm"

After 4pm was a part of the message that our pastor: www.twitter.com/greggmatte spoke on, kinda indicating, instead of diving further into work or something else equally mundane, we should be looking to use that time to work on relational issues and developing the relationships around us, into more of the image that God has called us to.

That got me thinking, as stirring and well done messages often do. Too often in my past I would rather watch tv, chat with someone on the computer or fill my time in some other "relaxing" way. Now there is nothing wrong with any of those hobbies or pasttimes, but if they are being done at the expense or in place of relationships that God has called us to, then they become wrong or incorrect for us to be involved in.

I watched latest Hellcats episode with: @ashleytisdale and @78violet (Aly) and was struck with another great thought to apply to my own life, and to share with my friends, so bear with me as I try to formulate and unpack it for you.

The first thought that occurred to me is that everyone in our life that has repeatedly hurt us or embarrassed us, ie. our family, deserves to have opportunities to show they have changed and are growing themselves. I draw this from Marti (Aly Michalka) and the relationship with her mom, her mom screws up over and over, but still wants to be in Marti's life and be her mom. Marti at first, wants to exclude her mom from coming to her cheerleading competition, but then realizes if she doesn't try to grow beyond the traumatic experiences in her past, then she will forever be stuck in her past and limit her growth.

The second thought that occurred to me is that Savannah (Ashley Tisdale's) character, has come from a strict Christian upbringing, which kinda goes to the extreme and uses religious blackmail to get her character to conform to her parent's wishes. I know that Christ never called for the relationship He has with His believers to be misused in such a manner, but then I realized it occurs all the time. People using Jesus to get people to help with church activities by making the people feel bad or lesser than if they don't want to help out, or can't help. Back to Savannah, she literally has to choose between obeying her parents and their misapplication of the Christian faith or be thought of as a lesser Christian by not showing up for a prayer meeting for the healing of her sister. She does the wise thing and prays for sister's healing right before competing in the cheerleading competition.

I think there are opportunities to gain wisdom and learn life lessons, from all types of sources, it just requires us to dig deeper, not just look at the surface lesson or entertainment value. Watch Hellcats and Glee and see what lessons are there to be gleaned.

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