Friday, January 8, 2010

2 blogs in one day,haha

So, decided to do a second blog and also realized I write pretty much the same way I talk, not sure if that is a good thing or what,hmmm.

What to blog about when it's a second blog of the day...this one maybe a bit random, have a few thoughts and topics I want to go on about, so bear with me. First is some of the things I have learned from last year. I learned in life, I need to treat people better than I am looking to be treated, that treating someone well has just as much effect on how they treat you as when you treat them badly. Almost the reverse effect of if you are treated badly and retaliate or if you treat someone badly and they have a tendency to treat you just as badly or worse. Equally I have found that I go out of my way to be nice to someone, they respond back equally nicely. Guess it is kind of like that "Pay it Forward" mentality.

Another thing I learned is that while life is not fair, and never let anyone tell you it is, you don't have to just sit there and let life run you over. Think about that for a moment...You always have an option to make changes and do something different to change the outcome or way life ends up. I think myself and probably other people as well have the "victim" mentality and just go "poor me, nothing I can do, now that life has happened to me and happened unfairly." NO, we still can respond, always have that option, now our options maybe limited for a moment, but even then we still have freewill and the option to do more than just sit there.

Thirdly, continue to garner and grow friendships. By this I mean, continue to make friends and develop these friendships beyond, "hey how's it going?" stage. Deepen these friendships, for you never know when you might need help or a friend who you can turn to in time of need and if all you have is those shallow conversations, who will you turn to, for more?

Life will continue to happen whether we want it to or not, by this I mean, "nature abhors a vacuum." That sounds very mysterious, but truly isn't, put quite simply, life doesn't just stop because we want it to so like life we need to keep moving and not stand still or we may get run over,hmmm.

We are all role models, so despite Charles Barkley's infamous words, "I am not a role model" we all are. From the greatest to the least of us. We are on display for the world to see, you can say, "I'm nothing special, no one would possibly care about what I do or say," I think that would be incorrect, seems that there is always someone seeing or hearing what we say or do and then scarily, following our example. With that in mind, what example or role model are we?!? What a heavy burden or a golden opportunity, depending on if you are a half empty or half full type of person. We can influence those around us, just have to be willing to do so. I suspect that there are enough out of control, foolish, non-thinking rolemodels out there for the world to see. This world needs leaders, true leaders, not the kind that has to tell people to follow them but lead in words and actions toward a better world, again, hmmm, is that you?!?

Just some of my random thoughts of what I learned, garnered, observed and contemplated from this last year. Hope it held your interest and makes you think some also.

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