Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lessons to learn the easy way

I call this lessons to learn the easy way as opposed to getting the opportunity to learn them the hard way. The hard way is going to hurt both physically mentally and emotionally. On that you can almost be certain.
1) Life is unfair, never assume otherwise, it will be easier for some around you, those who get by on looks, by cheating, through their connections...whatever. Still expect this and anticipate the fact. This knowledge will keep you pressing on despite the desire, the overwhelming desire to complain, whine or whatever else there is to do, except for the task at hand. But in those times that you want to do something else or give up, DON'T!!! This is the time to push forward even harder and show that you are made of tough stuff, not prone to crying and giving up, just because things haven't gone as you planned them.
2) Keep up a good working relationship with all those around you. Let me unpack this one for you. By this I mean, develop the relationships that God puts in front of you, all of them, not just the one's that seem easy or the people you have the most in common with. I say this, for the reason that you never know who's help you may need in the future and those you may have alot in common with right now, may be nothing like you in the future.
3) While there are no true guarantees in his world, hard work and perseverance usually pays off in you achieving your goals, so set your goals high and then start striving for them. If you find that you cannot achieve this goal for a reasonable reason, then don't be afraid to sit down, consider if your passion is still leading you in the direction you are currently going or if there is a new direction you are being called towards.
4) Being afraid when you are doing something new or getting ready to do something new is normal. But don't allow that fear to paralyze you and cause you to miss out on the experience. There are countless great examples both current and in our glorious past of people overcoming the fear and achieving greatness, do not be afraid to follow in their footsteps.

This will a multi-part series of blogs I can tell, cause sure I will think of more lessons to learn easy way.

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